
Nestled in the serene town of Somis, California, Underwood Family Farms offers an inviting blend of leisure activities and a bountiful supply of fresh produce that uniquely intertwines the joy of outdoor recreation with the opportunity to actively participate in sustainable farming practices. From tractor-drawn wagon rides traversing the scenic farm landscape to the enticing prospect of hand-picking a variety of fruits and vegetables straight from the earth, visitors are treated to an enriching experience that extends beyond the typical farm tour. What makes this experience particularly compelling, however, is not solely the array of engaging activities but also the farm’s fervent commitment to providing locally-grown, organic produce, the benefits of which are extensive and multifaceted. As we embark on this discussion, we will uncover the intricate layers of Underwood Family Farms’ appeal, as well as the broader implications of choosing farm-fresh produce.

Exploring the Farm’s Attractions

As you venture into the heart of Underwood Family Farms, a plethora of engaging attractions unfolds, each offering unique insights into the world of agriculture and farm life. The Pick-Your-Own fields invite you to immerse in the simple joy of harvesting your own fresh produce. The Animal Center introduces you to friendly farm animals, providing a touch of warmth and companionship. The Tractor-drawn wagon ride offers a leisurely tour around the farm, complete with awe-inspiring views of the scenic landscape. The Adventure Corral is a playground paradise for children, filled with games and activities that foster a sense of camaraderie. Here at Underwood Family Farms, we cultivate not only crops but also a sense of community, making every visit a memorable experience.

Benefits of Farm-Fresh Produce

Reaping the benefits of farm-fresh produce goes beyond the delight of picking your own fruits and vegetables; it is intrinsically linked to health, nutrition, and the sustainability of our environment. Fresh produce from Underwood Family Farms is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, crucial for maintaining optimal health and preventing diseases. Additionally, farm-fresh produce is free from harmful chemicals and preservatives often found in store-bought items, ensuring what you consume is pure and beneficial. The practice of supporting local farms like Underwood also has a positive environmental impact. It reduces carbon footprint due to shorter transportation distances, promotes biodiversity, and sustains the local economy. This wholesome experience nurtures not only our bodies but also our sense of community and stewardship for the earth.


A day at Underwood Family Farms in Somis, CA, undoubtedly offers an enriching experience. The farm’s attractions provide an entertaining and educational environment, while the availability of farm-fresh produce offers an opportunity to understand the benefits of fresh-picked fruits and vegetables. This combination of fun and learning promotes a deeper appreciation for agriculture and its integral role in maintaining health and well-being. Therefore, a visit to such places becomes crucial in promoting sustainable and healthy food choices.